Since 2012 I have painted the official portraits of the Nobel Prize Laureates. My portraits are the first official images of the awarded persons.

Viewed by millions within seconds
Within seconds after the prizes are announced the portraits are published at many of the biggest news sites all over the world. The graphical concept behind the portraits is to give the portraits the expression of breaking news - a strong and unique visual impression.

The portraits are painted in black acrylics and gold foil
In 2017 it was decided that the main color for the announcements would be gold, preferably gold with texture not just a representational color. I adjusted my blue and yellow paintings, which was the look 2014-2017, to the new golden look. I experimented a lot with different gold paint and fell for the gold foil, a super thin metal foil that you can put on the painting with a special glue. Together with black outlines, painted on a white background I think the portraits has a very strong and exclusive impact.